dog shirts

Dog Shirts - Dogs T-Shirts

All dog shirts only $18.95 each

Puppy Dog Shirt
German Shepherd Shirt
German Shepherd Shirt
Labrador Retriever Shirt
Labrador Retriever Shirt

Bulldog Shirt

Black Lab Shirt

Boxer Shirt

Boxer Shirt

Bulldog Shirt

English Bulldog Shirt

Bulldog Shirt

Doberman Pinscher Shirt

Black Lab Shirt

Boston Terrier Shirt

German Shepherd Shirt

Golden Retriever Shirt

Doberman Pinscher Shirt

Rottweiler Shirt

Mastiff Shirt

Pitbull Shirt

Rottweiler Shirt

Welsh Springer Spaniel

Pit Bull Shirt

Beagle Shirt

Boston Terrier Shirt

Chihuahua Shirt

Dachshund Shirt

French Bulldog Shirt

German Shepherd Shirt

German Shorthaired Pointer

Great Dane Shirt

Miniature Schnauzer Shirt

Pomeranian Shirt

Pug Shirt

Saint Bernard Shirt

Sheltie Shirt

Shih Tzu Shirt

Siberian Huskie Shirt

Yellow Lab Shirt

Yorkshire Terrier Shirt

DJ Sarge

Biker Sam

War Rocky

Marine Sam

JTAC Wardog

Bulldog Marine


Bichon Frise Face

Dalmatian Face

Black Pug Face

Bull Terrier Face

Chocolate Lab Face

Black Greyhound Face

Puppy Backpack

Alaskan Malamute Face

Black Pitbull Head

Australian Shepherd

Border Collie Face

Basset Hound Head

Poodle Face

Chow Chow Face

Bernese Mountain Face

Corgi Face


If you unsure what size to get, click here to see our t-shirt size chart.

CLICK HERE to view our current inventory of shirts


Our shirts are made from 100% cotton and are hand-dyed, high quality garments. All shirt designs are made from water-based inks. The printing process gives these t-shirts a soft feel; unlike the heavy plastic "shield" created by most screen printing companies.

Washing Instructions for shirts:
Prior to wearing, wash separately in cold water.
1. Turn garment inside out.
2. Set wash temperature to cold.
3. Line dry or tumble dry low.
4. Do not bleach or dry clean.

Our shirts are washed and dried in a dying process so there is no noticeable shrinkage.

If having any trouble ordering our t-shirts, just click here for our alternate ordering site


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